Archive for the 'helpful' Category


5 month posting

since it’s been about 5 months since i posted last i thought it’d be good to go ahead and write something.

the other day i was looking at a large pile of sheets that had just come out of my dryer. i was thinking to myself that i wish i could fold these bad boy’s to perfection. thinking and wishing this because in the past i’ve failed so many times to get the fitted sheet to look like anything but a folded wrinkly ball of sheet.

so, like everything else in life…i thought surely there’s got to be an answer to this problem on the world-wide-internets!!!

“it” has changed my life.

and “it” is the following video.


and i only had to watch it like 4 times to figure it out!! but her humor kept me glued.

glad to be back again on the blog! and to have tightly folded sheets.


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fishmaNN on 5 month posting
fishmaNN on 5 month posting
TeplosenRUS on 5 month posting
TeplosenRUS on 5 month posting
LobsterBubster on 5 month posting